This third Sunday of Advent is referred to as “Gaudete Sunday”, meaning we should rejoice, that the new born Savior will be coming soon. On the advent wreath, a pink or rose-colored candle is lighted this day, signifying our joy in the coming Lord, who will atone for our sins and make salvation possible. Again, we should rejoice!
Our Christian faith is best defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”. At the core of faith is a hope or a sense of expectation that God will bless us, answer our prayers, and lead us to life everlasting in heaven.
As a healthcare leader, I was taught that “hope is not a strategy”, with strategy being a business plan, founded in good reliable data, research and solid business judgment, pointing to a likely outcome, usually financial, benefiting the enterprise. There was little value placed on intuition and gut feel when defending a business plan.
As Christians, “hope” as a strategy is baked into certain guiding principles, that God’s mercy is boundless despite our proclivity toward sin, that the Good Shepherd will pursue even one lost sheep, as Jesus came not for the righteous, but for the lost, and Christ will not forsake us or abandon us, unless we choose to turn our backs on Him. As an outcome, this strategy of hope gives us a confidence that all will be okay, knowing nothing in the world, no power or principalities, can separate us from the love of God. (See Romans 8:38-39). Our hope in salvation rests in an innocent baby, asleep in a manger, who would transform the world, and change our hearts, to seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, knowing all we need in service to God and neighbor will be added. (See Matthew 6:33)
Have a Blessed Sunday!
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