Fear or Confidence?  Guide to Having a Life with Greater Peace and Joy!

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”   Philippians 4:13 Having celebrated a recent birthday, I took some time to look back, considering all of God’s gifts and graces through the years, which continue to flow despite the all the craziness going on in the world. For me, the key to lasting […]

The Challenges to Resolving Homelessness

Several months ago, as the Augusta Salvation Army HR Manager, I was given permission to spend more time assisting at The Salvation Army homeless shelter, which is called the Center of Hope. I wanted to meet some of the people whom we serve, and understand their circumstances better, how we case manage them, and observing […]

The challenges of obedience to an informed conscience

It is plain to see that the concept of truth and moral values has become so distorted. Consider the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”, a group of anti-Catholic drag nuns doing unimaginable acts, like pole dancing around the cross of Jesus. These so-called “sisters”, who are actually men, were honored yesterday, June 16th by the LA […]

Part IV – “Young Seminarian” – The Perspective of a Teenage Boy Attending a Catholic Seminary

Bringing the Passion Play to Augusta 1968 was a tumultuous year in our country, with protests over the increasingly unpopular Vietnam War, and demonstrations and even riots following the shooting death of Dr. Martin Luther King, and presidential candidate, Senator Robert Kennedy. I recall our seminary Rector, Fr. William Coleman, being so upset about the […]

Part III – “The Young Seminarian” – The Perspective of a Young Teen Attending a Catholic Seminary

Letters to Home I was fortunate that my mother saved many of the letters I wrote, and those my parents wrote back to me during my three years away at St. John’s. Dad wrote to me regularly about what was going on back in Augusta, while my writings mostly focused on my needs, which always […]